Within the GETEE group, with a wide professional experience, we have contributed to the development of numerous analytical methodologies. Therefore, one of our objectives is to transfer the developments contributed by our research work to society by providing different services to individuals, companies and institutions:
The available instrumental techniques of sample treatment and determination (atomic and molecular spectroscopy; chromatography; liquid-mass) allow us to perform a wide variety of analyses on different matrices, in particular:
Analysis of metal and non-metal content in:
Speciation studies
The evolution of chemical knowledge and the adaptation of legislation to it, has led to a growing interest in the knowledge of the different chemical forms (species) in which the elements are found; therefore, different methods for speciation analysis have been developed in our laboratory. We offer, among others, the following services:
Food fortification and bioavailability studies
The research group has participated in various studies on food fortification and bioavailability (milk matrices (cow’s milk, infant formula), algae, etc.), thus contributing to a technological area in growing development: the launch of new functional foods on the market.
The knowledge acquired together with the teaching experience of the professors and researchers of the GETEE group allows us to participate in the training of professionals interested in updating their competences, with the assistance of:
Specialised Continuous Training Seminars in:
We also provide consultancy services or assistance to companies or institutions in the application of different analytical techniques.: